Integrated Kitchen Food Waste Composting Machine
Equipment index: kitchen waste (wet material 100%) ►degradable material (50%) ►dry material (10-12%) reduction)
Completion time: the best completion time for reduction is 2-3 hours to complete the pretreatment (provide sufficient time for biochemistry)
Commercial composter by TJCL that can reduce food waste volume by up to 90% in 24 hours. Compost organic waste with TJCL composter. Turn your waste into a fertile soil amendment.
Tianjian Integrated Kitchen Waste Composting Machine provides food waste solutions for a variety of commercial uses, from restaurants to large-scale institutions. Utilizing microbial technology, our composting machines reduce waste volume by up to 90%, decrease disposal costs, and create a nutrient-rich, reusable end product.
Tianjian Integrated Kitchen Waste Composting Machine equipment offers a wide range of volume capabilities, in order to meet the composting needs of your large or small business.
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